Welcome to Chinese Foot Care School (CFCS) is accredited and licensed by the Utah Foot Zone Association (UFZA). Students who are enrolled in our course become UFZA interns who, although not authorized to practice independently, can perform the practice as part of their education.
Interns who have completed the training and testing are promoted to full professional membership and will then be permitted to practice Foot Zone Therapy in the State of Utah independently.
Please visit our "Classes" and "Contact" pages for more information.
我们学校是经犹他足疗协会(UFZA)授权, 犹他州按摩局(DOPL)认可,为犹他州培养足疗专业技师的培训机构。学员学费还可以在年终个人报税时作为接受继续教育而得到补偿;毕业后的学员在犹他州合理合法从业,开展家庭生意甚至开足疗店。为了助你和家人的健康, 或者谋第二职业或副业,或者退休后优选经济备胎,欢迎大家踊跃报名来我校参加培训。
来我校学习的学员一旦注册,他们便成为UFZA的实习生,实习生虽未获得法律授权独立执业,但可以将足区治疗实践作为其接受教育的一部分。 在完成培训和测试后,实习生被提升为专业会员。专业会员受法律保护有权在犹他州执业,合理收费,从事足区治疗。犹他州法律要求训练有素的专业足区从业者,UFZA满足了这一要求, 保护从业人员生意合法, 避免被罚。